

发布日期:2023-05-15 点击数: 作者:


2017.09-2022.04: 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学, 应用语言学博士

2020.11-2022.04: 比利时安特卫普大学, 语言学博士

研究方向: 社会语言学和汉语方言学。近年来主要关注多语背景下的语言接触和方言接触,语言变异与变化、超语实践、家庭语言规划、语言景观、国际中文教学等     


主授课程: 本科生课程、研究生课程

海外经历: 2017.09-2022.04在比利时攻读并取得博士学历学位


(一) 论文著作

1. Guo, R. (2022). When chopsticks meet forks: A linguistic landscape study on Chinese communities in multilingual Antwerp and Brussels. VUBPRESS, Belgium.

2. Guo, R., & Vosters, R. (2020). “Linguistic landscapes in Chinese ethnic neighborhoods in multilingual Antwerp and Brussels”. Lengua y migración (Language and migration), Spain, 12(1), 235–261.

3. 郭瑞(2017):“河南永城(茴村)方言音系”.中国语学研究—开篇, 日本, 35,194-220.

4. 与比利时媒体互动文章:“Chinees in Brussel is anders dan in Antwerpen”,Bruzz, Metro,Belgium.

() 学术会议

1. 郭瑞 (2022):语言商品化,语言拜物化和语言市场化。第十三届中国社会语言学国际学术研讨会,10-11, 12:四川外国语大学,重庆,中国.

2. Guo, R and Vosters, R. (2019) When Chopsticks Meet Forks: A Linguistic Landscape Perspective on Chinese Heritage Language Use in the Multilingual Context of Brussel. Chinese Culture in the Global Context International Conference,13-15 March: Hong Kong Open University, Hong Kong, China.

3. Guo, R and Vosters, R. (2018) Chinese as a heritage language in multilingual Antwerp and Brussels: a study of the linguistic landscape. II International conference on language and migration, 29-30 November: University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

4. Guo, R and Vosters, R. (2018) Languages in contact, dialects in contact: The Chinese diaspora in multilingual Antwerp and Brussels. Symposium on Language Planning, maintenance and Shift: Chinese and European Perspectives, 30 June-01 July: Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China.

5. 郭瑞 (2016):永城方言的儿化。第八届官话方言学术研讨会,16-19,06: 渤海大学,锦州,中国.

(三) 项目:

1. Languages in contact, dialects in contact: The Chinese diaspora in multilingual Antwerp and Brussels, 2017-今.

